Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holiday Tags made with Peachy Keen Stamps

Good Morning Friends,
I made some Holiday tags for my nephew's PTA Craft Fair at his school. The children are able to buy beautiful crafts for their families. Then the presents are wrapped and the children take them home to put under their tree until Christmas. It's a nice way for the kids to feel that they "bought" their own gifts for their loved ones.
I worked on the tags for most of November and I wanted to get 100 finished. I did finish 72 or 73...not bad!

Here is a direct link to the video.
Sometimes it works for me and other times it does not.

All my tags were made using Peachy Keen Stamp faces, you can find them here!



1 Kate said...

These are so cute. What an awesome idea this is?


2 Flamenco92627/ Julieta said...

Adorable tags! You did a great job getting so many done.

Anonymous said...

Love your Christmas tags!!! :-)

4 Janice W. said...

OMGosh Heidi! These are so awesome! You are amazing!
