Sunday, February 24, 2013

Silhouette Portrait and Peeps card

I've been thinking for a while about getting a Silhouette cutting machine. I love my Cricut but the ability to cut any font on my computer along with SVG's, not to mention being able to create and cut my own designs was just to strong a pull for me! I had to have one...

Well, it arrived a couple of weeks ago and I've been in heaven ever since. I adore this machine. It's tiny and compact which is nice. It's cutting ability is unbelievable! It will cut the most intricate designs with out even the tiniest tear of the paper! 
I've been cutting lots of SVG's that I've gotten on the internet. I've also downloaded lots of icon fonts to cut. My favorite SVG site is Paper Piecings by Nikki. Her artwork is adorable and she offers a freebie every day! Another site that I love is Miss Kate Cuttable. She also offers a freebie every day! 
Now, I've decided to try my hand at creating my own designs. I've watched a few youtube videos and downloaded Inkscape software which is free and enables you to create SVG's.
I started out by using a coloring page that I downloaded from the internet. I took it into Inkscape, cleaned it up and created this SVG to make my card. I have tons to learn but I am really enjoying the whole process and love the new freedom that my Silhouette Portrait gives me!

Here's my Peep's card....
The peeps and the title with the outline were all created in Inkscape and cut on my Silhouette Portrait!

thanks for stopping by....


1 snappy scrappy said...

Adorable!! Lee-Ann :)

2 lovemypaper said...

Super cute!

3 Crafty Moni said...

How cool, congrats! I love my cricut too, but I would love one of these babies for the same reasons you stated:)

Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
Monica L.

moni023 at yahoo dot com
