Saturday, September 4, 2010

PKS August Release Blog Hop day 6

For last nights drawing I asked everyone to post their favorite Halloween costume! OH, boy did you ladies have some good ones!! I think my favorite had to be the lady who was the toaster with the cord and her sister was the outlet....that must have been too cute!! I was also shocked at all the gals that dressed up as Wonder Woman!! That was a popular costume! Here's a picture of one of my favorite costumes!! My mom dressed my sis and I up as stylish ladies, we were so excited to wear makeup too!! I'm the one in the yellow hat. :)

I just wanted to thank everyone who posted, it was a lot of fun to read all your responses!!

And now on to the winner of the Peachy Keen Stamps Halloween Mini's Stamp set!!
By random selection...the winner is

Congratulations Kim!!!
Send me your info. and I'll get your adorable stamp set right out to you asap!! :)

Now, on to today's card and for this card I used PK-631 Halloween Minis set.

Here's my card.

Along with the sweet stamps I used the darling Gingerbread Dolls made by Peachy Keen Stamps and Cottage Cutz! I created a tab or loop to open the card with some ribbon.

Check back tomorrow for two more cards from these super cute stamp sets!!


  1. Congratulations, Kim! It was fun reading all those memories!
    You still have those big eyes, Heidi!
    Darling picture of you three!
    I enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Congrats to Kim...have fun with your new stamps!

    Heidi, thanks for sharing your story and picture...very cute!

  3. [url= ]Картинки приколы [/url]
    Кто делал прикорневую химию? Как она выглядет на прямых волосах? нНа сколько возрастает объем? Я год назад делала обыкновенную химию, волосы быстро отрасли, сказали такая реакция и так у многих. И сейчас половина головы пушистая, в следствии этого сушу только феном с крутящейся щеткой и они вытягиваются и выглядят очень хорошо, но в случае в случае если мделаю прикорневую, выходит она также вытянется и эффекта не будет??) Вот, в общем-то, что хотелось бы знать...
    Заранее благодарна за отклики!!!

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    Консультации ВЭД
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