Friday, September 3, 2010

PKS August Release Blog Hop day 5

Here's day five, the day I'll pick a winner! So, make sure your answer to my question is in the comments section of Monday's(August 30th)post! I'll pick the winner tonight at 11:00pm and post it tomorrow morning!!!

For today's card I used PK-632 Halloween Sweet Folks set.

Here's my card.

I love the little candy apple that goes in this stamp set. It's so versatile. You could make it into candy apples, caramel apples (like I did) or chocolate dipped apples, Yum!!

And remember to leave an answer to the question found in Monday's post in Monday's comment section to enter yourself for the BIG give-away!!! The winner is picked tonight!!


  1. OK I really need to get those stamps now! Love y our cute lil card! :)

  2. Love this card, So cute the little candy apples. Awww:)

  3. So cute! And congratulations on the other Peachy Keen design team. I always love to see what you come up with so this will be fun.

  4. i love these stamps!!!!

  5. OH Heidi!! This is just so cute and the colors are just beautiful together. I just want to eat those apples!! YUM!! Thank you for always making such adorable projects and for always putting a big ol' smile on my face! Love ya tons!! BIG HUGS, Kathy

  6. Love your toffee apples and happy sweet Heidi!! I could grab 'em right off your adorable card and munch away. Hugs Viv xxx
