Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Royal Wedding Blog Hop winners!!

Hi Ladies and Gents!!
I was able to get 2 copies of the Royal Wedding Edition of the People magazine today! Yippee! It came out yesterday on the news stands. It is full of awesome photos and info!

Yesterday I spent the whole day at the Albany Medical Center Hospital. My dad had a catheterization and 4 stents placed in his heart.
The surgeon told us that they were not sure what they would find when they went in. He said they would either find nothing (meaning a false positive on the stress test/EKG) or a blockage. He also said if they found more than one blockage they might decide to do a bi-pass.
Well, they found four blockages (two of them were extremely tight) and ended up putting in 4 stents.
We were shocked. My dad has always been so healthy, no smoking etc. So, he then had to lay on his back for 6 hours because the incision site needed time to heal a bit before he could get up and walk around.
My mom made sure he was comfy, he ate his dinner and had a magazine and a box of cookies (my brother brought him). Then we left at 6pm.
Well, we stopped for gas on the way home and by the time we got home my dad had called from the hospital. He said they might release him that night...OMGosh!
So, at 10pm last night, my brother and I went back to the hospital and brought my dad home. Boy was he a happy camper!! He did NOT want to spend the night in the hospital! We are all very happy that he is home and on the mend!!

Now, on to the winners....

For the winner of the Peachy Keen Boy Mates assortment, random dot org picked

#21 Stephanie

and for the second set "My One and Only" from EMMA,

#86 Kimberly

Congratulations Ladies.
Please send me your address so I can get your sets right out to you!!


  1. OMG seriously they let him out that soon...who would have thought having work done on your heart and getting out in a couple dayss.. doesnt' seem right. Wishing him well..NOW did i win...I'm not sure but i hope:):) I'll email you just in case....thank you i'm sooooo excited.

  2. Congrats to the winners!

    Glad your father is doing well. Isn't it amazing how quickly they let them out of the hospital?? Hope he has a fast recovery. :-)

    ~Sharon C.
