Monday, January 24, 2011

Peachy Keen Blog Hop Winner

Hi Everyone!!
It's bitter cold here in upstate NY!! BBBBRRRrrrr!!
We've got one more day of these freezing temperatures and then tomorrow back into the 20s and 30s!! Yippee!!

So, on this super cold but sunny day I want to announce the winner of the Peachy Keen Stamps Blog Hop!

Congratulations AndreaA

Andrea, contact me through email and I'll send this super cute set of stamps right out to you!!

A big huge THANK YOU to Gloria for the html codes that number my blog comments! I love it Gloria, super cool!!
Thanks again sweet friend!!!


  1. Congrats to the winner!!! I'm so glad that the code worked for you!!! Huge hugs- Glora

  2. Congrats to the winner! heidi, I'm in upstate NY too!! it was -16 this morning driving my kids to school! Bbbbrrrrrr is right! here's to some well deserved and much needed warmth!
