Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Updated Twilight Characters using PKS

I decided to update my Twilight Characters. Here they are using PK-660 Laughy Taffy Face Assortment. I love this stamp face set!! It's awesome and super cute!! It's perfect for Edward, Bella and Jacob. I used Twinkling H2O's to color in the eyes and to give the bodies some shimmer, especially on Edward (its a little hard to see in the scan but IRL it's very shimmery).


  1. OMG these are the best! I love the six pack on Jacob! LOL :)

  2. OMGOODNESS!!! I love it......so super cute!!!

  3. Team Jacob!!! LOL! I love these they are so adorable they look just like them! I like how you made Jake's rock hard abs LOL!

  4. So Cute! Team Edward of course! Love it!

  5. Oh wow, this is so cute. If you have directions for this could you send it to me? I would be forever grateful!
    the creative stamper@comcast dot net
