Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge #33

Good Morning,
I'm so happy you stopped by again! It's time for another Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge! This time it's a sketch challenge. Create a card or a layout using this sketch for inspiration and OMGosh you are not going to believe the prizes for this one!! Perfect for getting ready for fall!!

here's the sketch...

and here's my take on it...

It's Christmas in July! I wonder why every year around this time I start to long for fall and the holiday season to begin. I guess after a long winter and hot warm spring/summer, I am just looking forward to Gingerbread cookies, cocoa and twinking lights!

For this challenge I used the most adorable little stamp set, PK-411 Lil' Gingerbreads and phrases! I just love it and knew immediately that it would be a favorite of mine. This is my nephew helping to make his Papa's favorite cookies for Christmas! He had the best time putting all the kisses on top of the cookies and then of course eating them with his Papa!!

So, don't forget to pop over to the PKS blog and post your creation to be eligible for one of the amazing prizes no later than August 1st!!

And...keep checking back this week because I have something BIG in store for you!!


  1. Heidi, this is SOOOO SUPER SWEET!! I LOVE IT!! It just totally makes me want to make some peanut butter cookies today!! lol....
    Big Peachy Hugs,

  2. So SO CUTE!!!! Awwwwwwwwww! I ♥ it!


  3. This is SUH-WEET, Heidi! Those gingerbread boys and girls are adorable, as is that cutie in the picture! I love that you can see scrapbook layouts where I see cards. You give me an entire new way to look at things. Thank you so much for that!

    Love ya,

  4. Cute layout! I love those gingerbread stamps! This makes me want to bake cookies!

  5. Wow Heidi!! Your layout is inspired!!
    I'm not a scrapbooker,but can appreciate a quality page when I see it...and I SEE it! Love Viv xxx

  6. Very nice layout. I will have to try this sketch in a card format. Love the gingerbread people.

  7. soo pretty. Love how you added all the gingerbreads.
