Monday, August 30, 2010

Peachy Keen Stamps August Release Blog Hop

A warm and Witchy welcome to you!!

If you've found your way here through our blog hop read on!
It's the day we've been waiting for! The Peachy Keen Stamps BRAND New August Release Stamps!!!
OH MY Gosh, you are going to love these stamps and we've got an awesome blog hop for you too!!
So, lets get to it....

And of course I had to make a creation using this stamp set, ok, who am I kidding? I made 8 creations and I'll be posting a different one each day this week!! So, you have to come back and see what I've been up to!!

Along with my fellow PKS DT members, each of us will be giving away one of the three new release stamps sets. The one above is the one I'll be giving away to one lucky winner!

I thought I would make things interesting this hop. So, to win this stamp set from me you need to answer this question in the comment section of this post. Here's the question...

What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child?

I can't wait to read the responses! ok, now on to the hop!!

So, you've either hopped here from Emma's Blog or you've just happened upon this blog hop...your next stop is Samantha Casey's blog!!

Here is a complete list of all the stops on the hop! (in case you might have missed one)
Peachy Keen Stamps
Heidi (that's me)

Happy Hopping!! And don't forget to answer the question in the comments to enter yourself for the give-away!!! I'll be picking the winner randomly on Friday night September 3rd!


1 – 200 of 361   Newer›   Newest»
Adrienne said...

your work is so cute!!!

Jamie said...

Very cute! My favorite costume was a witch!!

Vicky said...

Cute cute, I love your card

Carol said...

Beautiful creations, thank you for sharing. I never really dressed up for Halloween... I loved when my daughter dressed up as Dorothy, she was beautiful.

Lorie said...

This is wonderful, Heidi! I can't wait to see the rest! Your coloring looks beautiful, and I love how you put each image and the sentiment inside a square to show it off! Great job!

Love ya,

Jamiecrafts said...

I was a california raisen as a kid, with those huge sunglassees. my mom spray painted 2 garbage bags purple and then stuffed me with newspaper :)

cutecardsbyjamie AT yahoo DOT com

Felicia said...

Any one of these would be awesome to add to my collection. Thanks so much PKS.

Kristin said...

Your projects are adorable:) I love these stamps they are a must have for Halloween. My favorite costume when I was a child was WonderWoman. lol Had to have super powers. lol

Julie said...

My favorite Halloween costume as a child was the first one I have a memory of - Wonder Woman. I wanted to wear that costume all the time! Thanks for the chance to win another super cute stamp set from PKS!

Anonymous said...

Love your work! My fav costume as a child was a princess :)
jessica dot a dot stevenson at gmail dot com

scrapaholicjen said...

Very cute! My favorite costume was a Shreddie in grade 5 - I made it myself! Thanks for the chance to win!
qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

KathyJ Peachy Keen Stamps said...

OH HEIDI!! LOVE THIS CARD! It is awesome!! All color matched..!!I loved reading these favorite costumes! Mine was one that my sister Sheryl made up of a costume jeweled lady ghost. Too long to post here. It was hilarious!

kandijo said...

Love your cards and the new stamps!

Erika Valdez said...

I love your project, I can't wait to see what else you have for us this week! My favorite costume as a child was my Barbie Princess costume you know which one the one with the plastic mask lol!! I made my mom buy that costume 3 years in a row :-)
Thanks for the great giveaway, I'll be back tomorrow..

Hannah's Stampin' Nana said...

love your project thanks for sharing.

favorite halloween costume.. my dad made out of huge cardboard boxes, me a toaster and my sister an outlet.. and we were held together with a much fun


lostnwa98 at verizon dot net

Anonymous said...

Very cute card Heidi... I will be back to see the rest over the week....HUGS...SK :)

Unknown said...

This is one FANTASTIC card Heidi!!!
How clever to give each little cutie a square of their own! SO clever and they are coloured so beautifully too.
Big hugs my friend. Viv xxx

MelodyR aka Ry&MysMom said...

Hope this does not disqulify me :( but I grew up in a country that does not celebrate Halloween the way the US does. But I can tell you that my favorite costume for my DD was last year's when we dressed her up as Raggedy Ann - she loved the wig and the make up! Thanks for the opportunity to win the peacky keens!

hugs, MelodyR aka Ry&MysMom

Valerie said...

Love your project. My favorite costume as a child was being a cheerleader, my mom had made my pompoms and everything. It was all homemade.

vflambert at hotmail dot com

Heather said...

Adorable, Adorable and Adorable. I love it. My favorite was my wonder women outfit I wore as a kid.


FileKutz said...

Love your project! The color's are just amazing! It's funny but I can only remember a few halloween's I had a child, but we were on the poor side, but my mom and dad dressed us up as hobo's one year, and it was the best halloween I ever had! And now Halloween is my fav holiday! My 4 boys just love it too we go all out for it!!

Unknown said...

Very cute.
I grew up in germany and we didn't have halloween, but we did have fashing in february. We don't go trick or treating but we do dress up and we have parades. I dressed up as a once and got mistaken for a parade attendant. Got seperated from my mom, pretty scary.

Burffrau @ aol dot com

More Than Favors said...

Mine was princess leia!

this is pretty awesome!

Happy Crafting,

Unknown said...

I love your card.....
Ok I can't decide which one was my all time was either the time I was a Carebear....or the time I got to be Strawberry shortcake....after that my mom didn't really bother with halloween it was go as a ghost with an old sheet or don't those two were the best halloweens and my faves :0)

The Scrapbooking Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura L. Cline said...

When I was nine, that was 19 years ago, lol, my little brother and I dressed up as Ninja Turtles. My mom has this goofy picture of us in our plastic capes and stretchy string masks giving a high five. It's always a nice Halloween memory, especially since my daughter thinks it's silly!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Melissa said...

Cute card!!! I loved Tweety Bird as my costume!

dolfnz777 at yahoo dot com

Lisa B said...

Heidi you did a fantastic job with the new stamp sets! I love your question!!!!! Growing up I was Wonder Woman. My mom took star wallpaper and wrapped it around my boots and wrists. I wore a red leotard and she even made a headband. She defintely was a creative woman!

The Scrapbooking Queen said...

I just love blog hop so that we can be inspired to create...
thank you for inspiring me today..

My kids are grown up but still have awesome costume I think my fav was Wizard of Oz... they all dressed up and even made my grandson the lion... and my yorkie got into the game as Toto...

The Scrapbooking Queen

Maquel said...

Very cute project! Can't wait to see the rest of them! My favorite costume was one I made myself--inspired by the book Blubber by Judy Blume--I was a Fried Egg! I loved it, but everyone kept asking me what I was! LOL!

Scrapper69 said...

Your Creation is ADORABLE!!! These stamp sets are soooo cute! My Fav costume was when I dressed up like a Gypsy woman!... I had lots of necklaces and bracelets and put a mole on my face and I wore big earrings.... and one UGLY dress to match! LOL :O)

Scrapperdee said...

Love your creation! Great stamps!!

All of my costumes when I was young was great and were the talk of the neighbourhood. My mother sewed our costumes and at every house we'd hear...come quick...the Mitchell kids are here! the bad part was that its cold here in Canada for Halloween, and the costumes were always covered in our coats.

My favorite one, though, was a cat - it had ears & a tail.

deidrem at canada dot com

Perfectly Unperfect Cards said...

I didn't get to celebrate Halloween when I was growing up because my mom was a fun nazi like that :D but I let my kids and my favorite costume they have ever had was Last year they were Mario and Luigi :D

Kim said...

I am so old I don't remember!! But I made a darling dinosaur costume for my oldest child and each of my five children wore it, in turn. Also, for my oldest child, I took a pair of children's pajamas and stenciled a batman logo on the front, made a cape and a hood with bat ears and he was Batman. Each of my three boys wore it!!! I love being creative. Thank you for the chance to win.

Pati Peterson said...

My favorite costume was the princess one! Loved dressing up!

Peekpu said...

I can not WAIT to see the rest of your work!
My favorite costume as a kid was a wonderful hand made clown costume. Mom had made it for my older sister, and handed it down... I think I was a clown for about 3 years straight! lol

Angela Mabe said...

Cute, cute, cute! My favorite costume as a child was a southern belle.

Kathy said...

Cute card! My favorite costume was when my best friend and I dressed up as twin Cabbage Patch Kids. We even had the matching dolls! Thanks for sharing!

christmasangel said...

Unfortunately I am from the UK and halloween is not celebrated in the same way over here, although I am trying to spread the word as much as possible!! I used to love dressing up in my aunties ballroom dresses when I was a child.

I love the stamps and what you have done with them!!


Cards and Crafts by Sheree said...

I always wanted to be dressed up like a poodle! My Mom's poodles was always decked out in pink bows and pink nail polish and my favorite color is pink! My Mom finally made me a poodle costume and I was so happy!

Nik Anderson said...

I don't remember much of my childhood costumes, but my favorite of my kids' was last year. My daughter was 4 months old and she was a goldfish. She reminded me of an orange Boo from Monster's Inc.

Pink Cricut said...

Strawberry Shortcake! Cute card--love the colors!

Kristine said...

Love your card! It is so cute! The new stamps are great!

krissaxt at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite costume was when I was 7yrs old and my grandmother made me a Dolly Pardon costume... Yes all of the assets LOL...
I actually one a contest that year.. It was sooooo much fun

Helen said...

I love your sample!! I love Halloween, especially since it's my birthday :-)

My favorite was the year I dressed up as a witch. My aunt worked at a university theater department and took me to get my face done. I had a green face, putty nose and even a wart and black teeth!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Brandy128 said...

Love your card and the new stamp sets. I must say one of my favorite costumes from childhood was when my mother made me an adorable cowgirl costume.

Thank you for the chance to win.

scmiller777 said...

I love your question. I dressed up one year as a football player and my male cousin dressed up like my cheerleader. (he made a pretty girl haha). Thanks for sharing with us.

scmiller777 said...

I love your question. I dressed up one year as a football player and my male cousin dressed up like my cheerleader. (he made a pretty girl haha). Thanks for sharing with us.

Karla O. said...

Oooo these look absolutely adorable! I'd love to be a lucky winner!!! My fav costume was a cardboard box that resembled my fav. book
Craftyraccooneyes {at} gmail {dot} com

Vicki said...

Cute cards. My favorite costume was the year my mom made a pumpkin out of a hula-hoop and cray paper.

Pamela said...

My favorite costume was when my mom made me to look like a bunch of Grapes, it actually looked pretty darn good. I love your designs, the new stamps are OMG cute.

Anonymous said...

my fav costume was Glenda the good witch. I was almost 16 so not really a kid but still wanted to dress up. i still do everyyear.
craftymomma-cc mb

Janine said...

My favorite costume as a child probably was the little red riding hood, complete with a red hooded cape and goodies in my basket!! I love what you have done with these stamps!

Unknown said...

Heidi your card is precious! I can't wait to come back over the next week to see what you create. I always love all your work. Okay, so when I was a kid I loved the smurfs, so my favorite costume was that cute blue little smurfette! Thanks for a great hop and a chance to win:)


jd designs said...

My favorite costume was a bright pink homemade poodle skirt. I think my mom still has that skirt!

Look forward to seeing the rest of your new projects!

~ JD ~

Edna Marie said...

I have to say that my favorite dress up as a kid was my Butterfly complete with wings and all, love your creations and thank you for the inspiration

Donna said...

Adorable card. You do such nice work. Thank you for sharing these lovely sets.

Donna C.

Christina said...

My favorite costume as a child was when I dresses up as strawberry shortcake! I wasn't very scarry but I was very pink!! TFS

NurseTraciScrapper said...

I just LOVE your cards...they are soooo stinkin' cut! All 3 sets of stamps are just adorable. Thanks for the chance to win a set of my own to play with! Traci~


Olga Clemencia said...

Hola me gusta mucho gracias

JaniceA said...

My mom made me a hula girl costume and I won a contest so I would have to say that one. Love your cards.

craftymom205 said...

My favorite costume was a princess.

NurseTraciScrapper said...

I forgot to add what my favorite costume was (LOL).

It had to be the one my cousin & I made ourselves...I was 9 & she was 10. I was "Jeanie" from the show I Dream of Jeanie & she was Jeanie's mischeivious cousin (the brunette in the blue costume).

Traci~ (

Amy said...

Great card. my favorite costume was a 50's girl. My mom made my poodle skirt and we had saddle shoes.
aburrelsman at msn dot com

Unknown said...

My mom wasn't very creative so I was usually a witch. I guess that is my favorite as a child. I made my son a costume as a mummy and that was fun.


Shana said...

don't really remember my costumes, was a cat once at a party.
shanasewingatyahoodot com

julia said...

Awesome job! Can't wait to see the rest of your creations! My favorite costume as a child was an amazing raggedy Ann costume my grandma made me. I actually saved it for YEARS so my daughter could wear it!

Laura said...

My favorite costume was a dog house. We took a big box and made it into a fun dog house. It was so much fun to wear.

Michele said...

Your card is so cute! I loved being a "baby" for Halloween because I got to run around in the little feety pajamas all night and be comfortable!

M.J. Rutledge said...

So cute. Favorite costume was when I helped my little brother dress up as a mummy. I ripped old bed sheets up and wrapped him head to toe.

Aim said...

Adorable!! I remember wearing the butterfly costume that my mom made for me for WEEKS when I was little... Forget the candy, I wanted to fly!! :) TFS!!

Meesh said...

Love your projects! My favorite Halloween costume was in the 3rd grade! I dressed up as Connie Chung! :o)

meeshlee at gmail dot com

Wilfreda said...

This is very cute. I don't remember my costumes when I was wee little. As we got older we were not allowed to celebrate Halloween because it was evil :( My husband and I celebrate it now though :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite costume was a witch!!
I was born in October so Im a witch at heart any way...just kidding...

Thanks for the chances.. great card cant wait to see what else you will make to delight our eyes.

Unknown said...

Great projects, love the stamps.. In my time we dressed up wearing old clothes and stuffing them with paper, guess you would say we were HOBO. Never had a fancy costume so there was no favorite.

scrappin2babygirls said...

Oh that is such a hard choice!!! there are so many good costumes.. (my mom made most of mine.. usually to match hers lol) I think my fave would have to be the cheetah costume I wore when I was about 7 or 8. Thanks so much for the chance to win and for sharing ur wonderful card its so cute!!


Bobbi said...

my mom (Fran@Just Cuttin' Up) always made our costumes, my favorite had to be the Gypsy, I was about 6 and got to wear pretty makeup and big earrings LOL

thanks - your blog made me smile.


Court said...

These stamps are SO adorable! Great card! Can't wait to see the rest!

Thank you so much for the chance to win!
courts crafts blog at gmail dot com


Wonder Woman was my favorite. who can beat that. ur card looks great thanx for sharing.

Cammie said...

Raggedy Ann love your creations

Teri Barefoot said...

I love your work very nice
I love these stamps they are so very nice I love halloween I would love to win some of these stamps

Kim H said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I loved my witch costume, green face make-up and all!!! I love the colors you used on your cards. TFS, Mary M

aimado said...

I cant remember very many, but one year I was a California Raisin!

janner said...

My favourite Halloween costume was a figure skater. Growing up in Canada, I enjoyed watching the pro skaters and of course I enjoyed skating. I love all your work and would love to win the PK stamp set.

Kim H said...

Heidi, You always do such awesome work! I love all of these!I always love stopping over when I get a chance because I lOVE to look at your creations!
When I was in 4th grade I was a roller skating clown! Lol. My mom made the costume even the wig! The picture still hangs in my office, it is of me in the costume and my FAVORITE teacher of all time! The idea wasn't bad except our school paraded thru the streets, up and down hills, for halloween to show the local town our costumes! My teacher was a nervous wreck but I did fine. Hey the sad thing is that roller skates were in, not roller blades, shows my age!
Kim H
rkrharris at comcast dot net
Thanks for such a great question... fond memories!

JennyKozar said...

This is just precious - my favorite when I was a little kid was always a Hobo - so easy and you were able to be messy!!!

TFS ~ Jenny Kozar

Anonymous said...

Very, Very cute!!

Deanne Gutierrez said...

Love your work. My favorite costume was Dorothy - wizard of Oz.

Deanne G

Scrappin with the bug said...

Seriously could your card be any cutier??? I love the new stamps.

jazy1m said...

Love your ideas and for giving us a change to win.

Live Love and Scrap said...

Heidi...I have to tell you...I couldnt wait to see what you came up with for this hop...always so cute!!! Cant wait to see the other!!!

My favorite costume as a child was WONDER WOMAN....I think I even wore it like 3 years in a row =)

See ya tomorrow!!!

Ashley A. said...

Wonder Woman!! Hahaaa, that was my most cherished costume as a kid! Really nice work.. love the new stamps :) Thanks for sharing with us!!


Gloria said...

i love halloween.. i think my witch costume was my favorite.

love your work!

Clarice said...

I love the bat on your card and the tease of a new card each day. My favorite costume growing up was Casper the Friendly ghost.

Jennifer said...

What a cute card. You did a fab job. thanks for the chance to win.


Mary B. said...

My favotire costume was the witch costume. I loved your project. said...

I will come back to see....
I hope I do not get disqualified because I do not have a favorite... since I never dress up for Holloween as a child!!?
But I do love giving candy to kids and love my grand baby's SnowWhite costume 3 years ago!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

We didn't dress up for Halloween either. But I made a ET costume for my son, that turned out really cute.

quilt4fun2 said...

I would love a chance to win such cute stamps! Thank You! Loved your work. Good job.
quilt4fun2 at hot mail dot com

Scrappynana said...

My favorite costume as a kid was the Scare Crow from wizard of Oz. It was a little itcht though with all that straw! lol

Singleton's European Vacation said...

This is so weird but I can't remember many of my costumes and I went our trick or treating every year. I do remember being a hobo when I was older. I have a vague memory of being Cinderella. I think I will ask my mom. lol

Glora said...

So cute! I love these sets and the projects you girls have made with them :). My favorite costume was my Lemon Merangue costume (Strawberry Shortcake's friend). me at glorajean dot com.

Sharon said...

Such a cute cute card!!! The best year I remember is one where we were out of state at our Grandparents. We went to our aunts and us and the cousins hit the attic and came out with the most awesome outfits to wear. Had a blast!!! :)

Denim Glitter Creations said...

I love all your work! Well, i remember when I was 8 yrs old, my mom bought me a can-can girl costume. I remember it had a green feather to put in my hair and a red and black ruffled dress. I used that costume so much to play dress up!


Heather said...

My favorite costume was Raggedy Ann. My mom was so talented when it came to making costumes.

just jayma said...

I cam here from Sonia's blog...

My favorite Halloween costume when I was a child was a "mom." I would put on an apron, put make up on, hold a rolling pin in one hand and a dolly in another...LOL

Two Scraptastic Gals said...

My fav costume growing up has got to be the "Linus" (Charlie Brown), basic sheet with the eyes cut out ghost! In the simple days when you used what you had around your house to make a costume instead of all these high end costumes! I miss those days! I loved your card, so stinkn cute!Job well done my friend! TFS

Rebekah said...

My favorite would have to be a few years ago when I was pregnant. I was an oven and had a "bun in the oven!" :-)

Auntie Marg said...

My sister and i were always Gyspies my mom had great jelewry for this costume so it was our favorite. I cant wait to see the rest of your projects this week.

Brenda said...

I always loved dressing up as a witch.(a good witch, of course!) Thank you for the chance to win these cute stamps!!

Raven B said...

What a great card. I love the colors. Okay as a child my favorite costume was one that my mom made me I was snow white. I wish I would have kept it for my girls because it was perfect.
Big Hugs,

Lizbeth said...

I love these stamps! Your cards are adorable!

~*Jen*~ said...

My fav costume was a Wonder Woman costume that came in a box back when costumes came in the boxes. We got it a few sizes to big so I could wear it over my snowsuit because here in Alaska that is a requirement! Thanks!!

Jessica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beckie Williams said...

My favorite halloween costume as a child was a flapper costume my mom made for me. I still remember it like it was yesterday!

You did a great job on your card. I can't wait to see what else you come up with!

Jessica said...

My fav costume was a Punk Rocker! Ohhhh yeah! I've even talked my daughter into being one last year! She looked just like me! Thanks for taking me down memory lane on a gloomy Monday! Thanks for the opp as well.

Unknown said...

I have to say I dont have any one favorite costume Its been a very long time since I dressed up for halloween. But, I can tell you one of my kids that I liked is a mummy/ghost that my son and I made. Thanks for sharing your projects and talents.

Unknown said...

Oh soooooo cute. this blog hopping is so much fun!

Amanda said...

My fav costume when I was a kid was a scarecrow!! I love it so much I made one for me to wear as an adult:0) Thanks for the chance to win!!


Anonymous said...

Super cute card! It would be awesome to win this! :D So let's favorite Halloween costume as a child would have to be when I was Snow White...sometime in elementary school. I was so excited to get to wear make-up!!

Anonymous said...

Super cute card! It would be awesome to win this! :D So let's favorite Halloween costume as a child would have to be when I was Snow White...sometime in elementary school. I was so excited to get to wear make-up!!

Anonymous said...

Super cute card! It would be awesome to win this! :D So let's favorite Halloween costume as a child would have to be when I was Snow White...sometime in elementary school. I was so excited to get to wear make-up!!

Amy K said...

My favorite costume was a "head" made out of a big punching balloon with paper mache & then painted it...mine was Smurfette. It was fun to make, and the costume was fun too.
Fantastic showcases of these stamps.

Joj said...

Love the colours you used.. nice and warm!

Hmm I didn't dress up for halloween much when I was a child.. so I'd have to say my favourite costume was as a young teenager - I was a 50's housewife complete with retro apron, cardigan, pumps, spatula and wig.. so much fun!

Mrs B said...

Oh, I loved being Raggedy Ann! I loved to put the makeup on my face!
Thanks for the chance to win one of these super cute sets!

Jacqui said...

My favorite costume was the year I dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Not very halloweeny (is that a real word?) I know, but I went through a real Judy Garland stage :)

durham dot j at shaw dot ca

mary said...

Great cards! I lived on a farm while growning up and we never dressed up and went trick or treating. So Sad! When my girls were young we would find old clothes and let them go as a bum. Not too original.
mdot kdot schmidt athotmail dotcom

Cheryl B said...

My favorite halloween costume, was a ghost! But a cute one, I did not like to be scary!

cjbarclay at gmail dot com

Maureen Reiss said...

Love your card!! too cute!! My fav costume was Raggedy Ann I died an old mop and colored red stripes on whites tights. I did my own makeup and it turned out awesome!! I wish my mom could find the pics.
Thanks for the chance to win

craft dreams said...

Such a sweet card !!! So soft for a Halloween card ! Ingenious ! I loved dressing as an angel or a bride !LOL Martha C.

Valerie said...

Duhhhhh! It would have to be a gypsy costume. I think I had to be that several years. It must had been my mom's go to costume for us three girls! LOL. I did like wearing her jewerly thought. ;)
lastamper at aol dot com

scrapn_momof2 said...

Adorable card!!

My family didn't dress up on Halloween when I was little. However, my favorite costume is one my 13 yo daughter made for me last year for our Halloween party. I was a cave woman. She is quite the seamstress.

Cathryn said...

I love your creations! My favorite costume was Snoopy. It was only the kind with the plastic mask, but oh I loved it!!!

Corinne said...

these are a must have, great job..thanks

Christine said...

As a child of 6 other brothers and sisters I always had to be creative so I came up with all sorts of things homemade. I enjoyed it so much I even made it a tradition with my 2 boys! :)

My favorite was a a HS graduate I was a little 8 year old with this big ol' cap and gown too cute I remember I even won 1st prize for originality!

It was fun reminiscing thanks!


Kerry T said...

I was born in England and we didn't have Halloween but when my daughter was little she went as a Cheerleader and looked really adorable.

Gabriela Sandoval said...

I always loved dressing up as a witch and till this day I still these stamps!

Teresa said...

You did such a cute job with these stamps! My mom used to make all of my costumes when I was little. My favorite by far was a slice of watermelon. It was so unique!

Beckie said...

I love your creation for the stamp set! another one to add to my wishlist!
My favourite costume would have to be a clown or a witch!

Anonymous said...

My fav would of been alice in wonderland. I still dress up as her. I love these new stamps thanks for showcasing them. Linda Harris

Anonymous said...

My fav would of been alice in wonderland. I still dress up as her. I love these new stamps thanks for showcasing them. Linda Harris

LUV2SCRAP said...

Nice card and an answer to your question I never liked any of my costumes because I had no choice in what I wanted to wear because my older sister always wanted to make them from scratch...LOL So if I had to pick it would be the Plactic ones from Thrifty's at the time and it was Casper...LOL yes its the truth I love the box they came in and the smell they had of plastic.....LOL

Stacey said...

My favorite costume was dressing up like a baby doll... to funny! I love these new stamps!!! crossing my fingers to win!

Manhattan Mandie said...

Super cute card! It's hard to pick a FAVORITE costume... I'm going to have to say my Punk Rocker costume was pretty fun.... or maybe when I was a cheerleader.... or maybe when my mom made me a mouse costume.... Heck, anytime I get to wear a costume I'm pretty happy!!!

Vanessa said...

Mine is still the same now as it was then - Witch lol - I have always wanted to do magic :) Love your project!!

Monica said...

great job. Love these new stamps!!!
I love what you did with them.

*Star said...

such a cute card! My favorite Costume was a princess costume my mom made for me when I was 9 it was the prettiest pink dress I had ever seen with so much sparkle and tons of fluff. she even made me a matching tall crown with ribbons flowing down the back. It was amazing!
have a great day. :)

star24601 at gmail dot com

Allison said...

pink poodle skirt with satin jacket - loved it

Simply Pam said...

I love your card. I like that's it's not traditional halloween colors. I love it! My favorite costume was being a gypsy. It was a really fun costume.

pjnisson at hotmail dot com

Carol Ric said...

Super cute card! My favorite costume was possibly being a princess. As a fan of peachy keen stamps I would love to win a stamp set. TFS!

ScrappyScavenger said...

The first and only costume mom ever made from scratch. Even an awesome wig she made herself!
Thanks for the cute creation! I love your choice of background!

lindagk23 said...

Your project is so cute! And I love the new stamps! My favorite costume was a witch. Linda

Ticketgoddess said...

Ok, my mom made the best costumes when I was a kid so to pick just one is hard...but she tried to make a Cookie Monster and it didn't I was the Blue Flu Bug..I was even in the local paper...thanks for the question and the great project...hope I win...gotta hop...
bevborda at yahoo dot com

Aman said...

I loved witch costumes as a child.

Thanks for sharing!

Emily said...

This is so cute! I always loved to be a princess for Halloween (well...and every other day too, but that is another story) ;)


coolcricutcreations at yahoo dot com

Sentimental Scrapper said...

My favorite halloween costume was a black cat! Your card is adorable!!

Amy Vandiver said...

Very cute card! Not so sure what my favorite costume was but I know that I was a witch a lot because it was easy!!

Amy V

silly_girl_823 at hotmail dot com

Hawks Nest Hobbies said...

How adorable! My favorite childhood costume was a Pippy Long Stockings costume. I would love a chance to win this stamp set.

Celeste B. said...

So super cute! Wow - a flood of memories! My favorite Halloween costume was this dino costume my mom made. It was so cute and creative! She kept it so I hope to be able to use it with my kids soon. :) TFS!!!

mbchoj said...

I wad always a gypsy. so I guess that is it.
great work thanks

Brigitte said...

My favorite costume was "I dream of Ginnie" that my mom made me. I wore it for quite a few Halloween parties. Thanks for the chance of winning.

Anonymous said...

so cute. my favorite costume was my pink pirate costume. I had a pink jacket that squeezed my arm.

Minnesota Nana said...

great projects! would love to win a set of peachy keen stamps! My favorite costume: an angel, made from an old sheet...... with tinsel wings.

cely said...

I have dressed up every year since I've walked this earth! LOL!

As a child my favorite costume was my Barbie costume. I was in love with her and all things pink!

Last year I was a bumblebee, this year I'll be a boxer and I'm going to attempt to give myself a black eye (with makeup, not with a punch!)

Thank you for sharing!

cely_rohr at hotmail dot com

Linz K-Wal said...

I once was a bag of Halloween Jelly Beans! I had black, purple, and orange balloons in a huge garbage bag around me! It was funny! And really cute! Thanks for the great inspiration!

Happy Crafting,

linzkwal at gmail dot com

StephanieR said...

My favorite Halloween costume as a child was a clown lol!! I had the crazy wig and all lol!! I love Halloween, and I am loving these stamps! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Sonia said...

love your work m love the colors and every thing thanks

Mary said...

It was so long ago. Mmmmm I think it was Raggety Ann.

Anonymous said...

wish you had a video of how to make the card....

would love to win the cute stamp set.

Jennie Garcia said...

Those are so cute!!! I actually never used a Halloween Costume But It would've been nice to do it :(

Sheila Broadway said...

My fave childhood costume was a unicorn. My mom made it all by hand. Looking back it wasnt that great of a costume but I remember wearing it proudly because my mom made it for me. At the time I though it was the BEST ever.

Anonymous said...

My favorite costume was a duck. It was so cute, but SO HOT! Thanks for the chance to win these stamps!

Julie said...

Such a cute card! My fav halloween costume was the year my mom made my sis and me butterfly outfits. We had these huge cardboard wings and hats with antennas!

Melissa said...

Cute card! My favorits costume as a kid was when I dressed up as 'roaring 20's flapper girl'. I had a purple satiny dress that had gold fringe all over that would flap when you twisted and twirled. I thought that was the best!!!

Sandi McLean said...

My favorite costume was a gypsy - I even had a crystal ball!

Dana Desmond said...

Your project is different than any of the others so far. I think it's the coloring techique.

LadybugCarrie said...

Super cute projects! I just love the new stamps! My favorite Halloween costume was when I was Little Red Red Riding Hood. I must have been 5 or 6 years old. :-)

Martha galvez said...

I was 4 and we did not have money for costumes so my mother gathered somethings and made me a Gypsy! I loved it because I got to wear makeup. LOL!!!

slbela59 said...

hmmm....I think when my mom dressed me up as the postman, 'cause my dad was a postman! I LOVE holloween and dress my two girls up every year! Beautiful job.

Susan said...

We didn't get to go trick or treating but maybe once or twice but I remember I had a Wonder Woman that would have to be my favorite.

liz at liz's paper loft said...

lovve the colors, so unexpected!

nanapuddin said...

Your card is so cute!! Love the colors and the stamps!! TFS! My favorite costume was a gypsy!! Maybe thats why I love my Gypsy! NOT! Love your blog! I'm a happy follower!

GiGi said...

Your card is great! My favorite costume was when I got a Cabbage Patch Kids costume! We didn't have alot of money when I was growing up so when I got to actually buy a costume instead of make it, it was great!

Tanya said...

the card is adorable. love the bloh hop. thanks for the chance to win.
taniwol at

Andrea said...

I honestly don't remember what my favorite costume was as a child! Most of mine were thrown together. Love your blog though!

andystamper at gmail dot com

Suzy said...

Cute! Love the new sets; thanks for the chance to win! ~Suzy at

Joanna said...

What a super cute card you have! I can't wait to see what else you have made with the new stamps! ...My fav costume was Snow White..I even had black hair and red lipstick to match! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Anonymous said...

love all your great ideas. Thanks for a chance to win.

Heather Bug said...

My favorite was a little mermaid costume my mom made! Your card is so cute!!
hgbugbee at gmail dot com

Jeanne Szabo said...

Favorite costume? Has to be a hillbilly moonshiner, complete with jug! Thanks for sharing your cards!

Michelle said...

Just dressing in my funky wild 80's clothes was my fave costume of mine...could'nt forget the extra extra high hair.

Kyn said...

I loved being a Tweetie Bird, and I also love your cards.

Anniebear10 said...

What a cute project. My favourite costume was when I was a ballerina. I had the cutest pink tutu. LOL

Ulysses' mama said...

very cute!I love the colors,esp that shade of brown. I remember being a HUGE wonder woman fan and was so excited when I got to wear a crown a cape like her (I also had on the underoos, but nobody knew that but me and my mama)! Would really love to win a prize, so pick me!!

Connie said...

Grew up in a rural farming area. Didn't get to do much trick or treating. A couple of years we got to go to town and visit grandma then trick or treat around her block. We used things we could find on the farm. Most of the time we used gunny sacks and wore them over our head and down. Still was fun!!! Thanks for sharing your inspiration.

Sherry A said...

Your cards are adorable. Thanks for the chance to win the stamp set. My favorite halloween costume was the "Rocker Chic".
sdalford at atmc dot net

AmberN said...

Your card is so cute! TFS! I love the spider legs in the set. I hope I win! My favorite costume as a child was a spider. It was a stuffed garbage bag and stuffed black stockings that were attached to my arms so they moved with my arms. Thanks for the chance to win!
ANagel1062 at aol dot com

Kathy said...

sooo cute can't wait to come back and see the others. My favorite costume is and has always been the witch... the hat, the laugh, and to be magical!

Denise G said...

Every girl wants to be a princess, so that would be my favorite costume as a girl. The stamps are sooo cute. What great things everyone has made.

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